Thursday, December 06, 2007

Dentist Apointment and Teacher Stories

I'm going to start a new thing called "Teacher Stories". My teacher is hilarious and I want to tell you the funny things she says sometimes.
So as most of you know, about a month ago, I got my molar tooth pulled out. It hurt! I had cracked it into THREE pieces! I had to get a spacer today. I was at school in the morning and then was taken out at lunch and went back at last period. My mom talked to my teacher on the playground at the beginning of school today, to tell her about the appointment, she also wrote a note in my agenda in case they didn't get to talk on the playground. My teacher came to my desk, like every morning to check my agenda and saw the note:

Teacher: Yeah, I talked to your mom this morning.
Me: Good.
Teacher (reading the note): Yeah, she doesn't like you...She's taking you out of school at lunch...She won't bring you back if she doesn't like you...Got it.
Me (laughing): Ha ha! Did you talk to her on the playground?
Teacher: Yeah, we looked at embarrassing pictures and made fun of you...
Me: Where did you get embarrassing pictures of me?
Teacher: It's like taking pictures of a tree, it's easy!
Me: But you've never had a camera in this classroom before!
Teacher: My nose is a camera!
Me: Where's the flash button? HUNH?
Teacher: Ok, ok, you got me, I wasn't showing pictures of you to your mom!
ME: I knew it! HA!

Funny hunh?


miranda said...

sounds like good times with your teacher!! i think we'd get along just swell!!

i HATE the dentist!!!

Sam said...

I'm sure you would Mirandy!