Sunday, December 31, 2006

It's a new year tomorrow!

I can't believe it's already New Years Eve! I don't have many New Years resolutions, the only one's I have are:

  • learn how to play the guitar.
  • get an "A+" in writing on my school report card
  • Write more stories
  • go more places
  • learn how to fly! (Just kidding)!
  • grow my hair down to my bottom

And those are my goals! :)


Anonymous said...

Awesome goals Sam. Can't wait to hear you play guitar!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jaci! Maybe you can sing while I play the guitar!

Anonymous said...

You're on kiddo.

Anonymous said...

Cool! But that might be in a long time, because I'm just larning one note and after about a month of practise if I know it by heart I'll learn a new one!

Anonymous said...

No problem. You are smart and have a good ear for music you will catch on in no time.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jaci!

I hope you sing in the service again soon!