Saturday, March 24, 2007

Spring is here!

Spring is Here!
by: Samantha Goodyear

Spring makes me want to jump for it is here!
No more cold and no tear!
flowers come to decorate,
in spring, what is there that you'll hate?
I love spring and so do you!
How lovely it is!
Spring is here!

(I wrote that poem all by myself!)!


Jaci said...

Excellent job Sam!

Sam said...

Thanks Jaco!

Perron said...

Well said. I love spring too. It is my favourite season.

Sam said...

Uncle Perron, Are you having good weather out there in London?

Perron said...

The sun is shining and temperature is up. It is spring for sure.

Sam said...

US TOO! We played outside all day yesterday and the day before that!

Anonymous said...

Great poem Samantha. I love spring too. It is great to see the flowers and to hear the birds singing.

Auntie Pam

Sam said...

Thanks Auntie Pam!