Thursday, August 06, 2009

Summer Events

OK, so you know how about 1 post ago, I decided to make a list of things I should do over the summer. Well, I have accomplished 2 of those things.

  1. Make at least one new friend
When I went to Ontario Pioneer Camp for a week, I made friends with a couple of girls in my cabin. As you all know, I am not the greatest at making friends. 2 of the 4 girls didn't like me. Actually, not a lot of the girls (I was a Girls' Camp) did. The leaders, though, did (of course, ha ha!). Anyway, 2 of the girls, Molly-Anne and Ashley, became my friends. Ashley especially. And, guess what! Ashley lives in Hamilton! She goes to Dalewood Middle School, she's going into grade 7. So she's one year older than me. But she is super nice, sporty, girly, and smart. Molly-Anne (Molly for short) was a tomboy. She was pretty nice, too.

2. Visit with an old friend

Our friends Janice and Jen are my dads childhood friends and we still visit with them and stuff. So they came to our house a couple weeks ago and we basically hung out and had fun!

In other news, check out http//


MLE said...

for ashley, u said she was both girly and sporty. explanation?
and also, u will have done the second thing twice, as ur visiting me too! im an old friend rite, cuzz?

MLE said...

sammy? the link u gave me leads me too a page on wikipedia about hyperlink transfer protocal! whats up with that!!!

Perron said...

When are you coming to London to visit me?

Sam said...

Uncle Perron: I hope we can visit soon, as I miss you guys p in London! How are you?


Emily: That is so weird. Let me try again. http//