Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Drum role PLEASE!

I, Samantha, am proud to present a new story on SAMANTHA'S WRITING BLOG!!!! In case you have no idea who or what that is, I will tell. In story version.


Once upon a time there was a beautiful, awesome, amazing, cute, funny, smart (OK Sam, they get the point), girl. Her name was Samantha, or Sam for short. She loved to write stories. So one day, her mom said, "Why don't we make you a blog where you can write stories!" BRILLIANT, was she, Samantha's mom. So Sam got to work writing, all day, and all night. But then...
Sam decided she would give up. She thought she wasn't good and that she could never be a good enough writer to finish one story. So she never wrote in the writing blog again.
But now...
She is doing it again! Ha ha! But you will have to wait for the blog, because some tech diffs are happening right now...stay tuned!



MLE said...

cool, where is it? u know i just LOVE ur stories. be sure to tell ur mom shes brilliant! and btw, did u know u guys are comin here aug. 21, or so I hear? YAY! SAMMY!

Sam said...

it is going to be awesome.
it is nice we can email each other but sometimes it's nice to get to see each other face to face.


There is NO www.