Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Halloween Costume

Remember when I said in the post that I called Halloween that I didn't know what I was going to be for Halloween? Well I know now: it's kind of like a witch on the package it says that it's a Spider Countess though. It has stand up collar that is in the shape of a web and has a picture of a web on it, it's very long and it has a little fringe at the bottom, it's also has really cool bell sleeves at the bottom, and on the front it has a gold colored spider on it, ( But it doesn't come with a hat so I'm going to use one from my dress-up bin at home. It's the most awesome costume ever!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the costume mom!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter what you dress up as I'm sure you'll have a great time. But I have to say that you will be the cutest witch in Hamilton. Have fun, don't eat too much candy and take some pictures for us to see!

Margie said...

You look awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds cool. Can't wait to see pics!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Shauna-lee, thanks mom, and thanks Krista...


Anonymous said...

Sure thing Kido! ; )

Anonymous said...


i hope i can see it!!

you are super fly! ... i mean witchy!

Anonymous said...

HAHA nice one Miranda!!!!!!!!
