Thursday, June 18, 2009


OK, here are some shout-outs to some loved friends of mine:

Emily G., my cousin and BFF! I love your crazy randomness. It gives me a reason to write on my blog, check my email, and log on to Club Penguin every day! I love your ability to always look on the bright side, your optimism, and your just plain in and out beauty. Thanks for being an awesome friend! You may not consider me your best friend, but, compared to others, you're mine!

Sarah B., one of my school BFFs! I love your craziness, kindness, and open-minded thinking. You are loyal and courageous and will stick with me til the end.

Chloe C., another school BFF! Love your taste, sense of style, and outrageous personality. You are a great shopping buddy, blogging buddy, and reading buddy. You are funny and a great friend!

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